Class information
Maths Timetable for the Year
End of KS1 Writing Expectations
End of KS1 Maths Expectations Part 1 and Part 2
Key Information
Reading Diaries will be checked on Mondays.
Children are expected to read 3 times per week.
Children will take home 1 banded book where they should be confident reading 90% of words independently before moving up. Children will be listened to weekly but if you strongly believe your child should move up a band then write it in the Reading Diary. Additionally, pupils can take home another book of their choice to read with parents. Please encourage your child to read a Top 10 Book.
PE kit should be brought in on Mondays and Fridays.
Spellings will go out on Friday with children expected to practise at home.
Mathletics passwords will be shared. There is no expectation to complete Mathletics but it is there to supplement learning.
White Rose Website for additional support and information in maths.