Maths Basic Skills
In Reception, maths skills are separated into two areas; Number and Numerical Patterns. We focus on building a solid understanding of number and counting and understanding the composition of each number to 10. This then helps support the other areas of Early Years maths, including number bonds to 5 and 10, odd and even numbers, double facts, numbers that are greater than and less than and subitising numbers to 5.
Find below some resources to help support your child at home!
Click here to read some ideas from Oxford Owl about activities you can do at home to support your child.
Mastering Number with NCETM
We follow the NCETM’s Mastering Number. They use the BBC programme Numberblocks to support learning. Use this link to find some activities you can do at home.
Here is a link to Numberblocks- a great educational programme, especially focusing on the composition of numbers.