
Children are given targeted words for their spellings each week which they are expected to practise at least three times at home. All children need to bring their spelling books everyday to record new spellings, practise spelling patterns and use these when writing.

Children are tested weekly (Tuesdays) using a dictation and should be increasing the accuracy of using learnt spelling patterns in their own writing. Below are a range of techniques that children can use to practise their spellings at home. All spellings on the Year 3 and 4 statutory spelling list should be spelt accurately by the end of Year 4.

Statutory spelling list Year 3 and 4

Children are also expected to improve the consistency of spelling high frequency words. All children should be able to accurate these words in their writing.

High frequency words (first 100)

High frequency words (next 200)

Basic Skills

Children practise basic skills outside of maths lessons. The focus is speed and accuracy when completing simple calculations, mental arithmetic and times table recall.

Basic Skills at home

Children can use their Mathletics account to access different areas of the maths curriculum. There are assigned tasks, longer problem-solving and games. With a big focus on times tables, we encourage children to use TTRockstars to practise these at home.

A copy of logins have been sent home with your child. If you need a replacement or have any issues with logins, please let Miss Bowler know.

There are links below to each website and our basic skills objectives for Year 4: