Welcome to Oak’s class page
Our teachers are Miss Roche and Hayley.
Please explore the pages below to help further support your child at home and to find out what learning and fun we are having!
Christmas 2024
Christmas was a wonderful time of year in Oak Class!
We made hats for our Christmas dinner, wore our Christmas jumpers and ate one too many roast potatoes!
The children performed brilliantly in the Christmas Nativity and they acted perfectly as the little angels they are!
Things got out of the world in Oak class this week! We read ‘Look Up’ and ‘Astro Girl’ and we learnt the song ‘Zoom, Zoom, Zoom’. Have a look at some of the astronomical work we have done!
We used 2D shapes to build rockets - some were little and some were long!
We kept our finger’s busy, using the elastic boards to create rocket, stars and all kind of space images!
To learn about and celebrate Diwali, Oak Class made dome Diya lamps. We designed them, made them and decorated them. We learnt how people place Diya lamps around their house, and light candles in them when they celebrate Diwali.
Take One Picture 2024
For Arts Week this year, Oak took inspiration from ‘The Courtyard of a House in Delft’ by Pieter de Hooch.
We were exploring pattern rubbings in our environment. Oak loved discovering the different patterns inside our classroom and outside.
Oak Class settled into Horniman by learning about Autumn. We learnt about the changes that we see in nature, we loved finding golden and crunchy leaves!
We investigated different vegetables that are harvested in Autumn. Gardening club gave us a huge Marrow! we loved smelling the insides and see the large seeds. We investigated the insides of a pumpkin and even labelled what we could see.